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A circle is a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges. In geometry, a circle can be defined as a closed shape, two-dimensional shape, curved shape. A few things around us that are circular in shape are a car tire, a wall clock that tells time, and a lollipop.

A circle is a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges. In geometry, a circle can be defined as a closed shape, two-dimensional shape, curved shape. A few things around us that are circular in shape are a car tire, a wall clock that tells time, and a lollipop.

Course Units

Unit 7: Data and modeling

C: Circle Elements

Center, Radius, Diameter, Chord, Segment

Listen Notes

Center: A circle is a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges. In geometry, a circle can be defined as a closed shape, two-dimensional shape, curved .

Radius & Diameter: A circle is a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges. In geometry, a circle can be defined as a closed shape, two-dimensional shape, curved.

Chord: A circle is a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges. In geometry, a circle can be defined as a closed shape, two-dimensional shape, curved .

Segment: A circle is a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges. In geometry, a circle can be defined as a closed shape, two-dimensional shape, curved .

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