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Newtons Laws
Geometric Shapes
Atom & Molecules
Human Heart
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- Integrate all business departments
- Connect to third-party apps
- One interface to monitor all
- Connect to third-party apps
- One interface to monitor all
Why Join Premium Plan ?
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Free Plans Benefits For Schools & Tutors.
- Integrate all business departments
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- One interface to monitor all
- Connect to third-party apps
- One interface to monitor all
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Success Stories
I was finding hard to understand math. After joining EduBrainers, learning math became so easy.
Sasmita Patnaik
As a teacher, I will always praise EduBrainers for making my job go easy. I can now teach with better teaching materials and online videos .
Manisha Singh
We are ever thankful to EduBrainers to give us 100% scholarship. It was hard for our parents to meet our education needs.
Anita & Manoj
we’re here to Answer all your questions
Does the Free Plan Cover the Full Curriculum?
Yes. We have made sure that the free plan does not miss any lesson as per respective curriculum.
Do I Really Need To Enroll Into Premium Plan?
Our premium plan comes with more learning features that makes learning super easy and fun. Joining premium plan is always advisable as it is very affordable too.
Is Premium Plan Expensive? Any Scholarships Available?
We guarantee you best price or else we will issue you full refund. Scholarship is also available that can make your premium plan to free.
Is Your Premium Plan Backed By Money Back Policy
Yes. If for any reason the learner is not happy with the premium plan package, we will issue full refund within the time limit without asking any question.
Who Prepared The Curriculum & Lessons?
The lessons are recorded using the cutting-edge present AI technologies, but the contents are drafted by best teachers from reputed institutes across globe. We have paid attention and used mind- mapping techniques to prepare the video lessons which will help to visualize what the learner is learning and retain the concept in memory for exams.
Do You Teach Only Online? How Is Your Teaching Method Unique?
Presently, our only mode of teaching is online with full classroom experience using our unique teaching method. We are actively working to bring physical learning centres very soon.
We teach uniquely using interactive videos accompanied with workbook. The lesson video is so designed that in regular interval the video pauses and makes the learner think of what is being taught by asking questions that a curious mind would think of . The learner need to complete the exercises in the workbook as answers to curious questions asked and then key in the options to the videos in order to resume learning. This unique method of teaching gives a two-way online learning experience.
Do you help to clarify lesson doubts?
Yes. We help to clarify your doubts in two ways: 1. Our system is equipped to provide you help on the spot. 2. You can take help from Subject expert.
Can I expect Carrer councelling help?
Yes. Our premium plans comes with this feature. The career counselors will work with you and help you to decide your learning path.
Have Questions? We are there to asnwer all your queries
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- Integrate all business departments
- Connect to third-party apps
- One interface to monitor all
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